Tuesday, September 15, 2015

5 draw

I used charcoal first and then used water to made the dark side more soft. When it was dry, I put charcoal on the top and used water to thawing it again. Then I used eraser to draw the highlight. I also use napkin to made some background.

I used charcoal pencil to block it first, then I use charcoal to draw the dark side, then I used water to thawing it. Then I used eraser to draw the high light.

I used charcoal pencil blocked it first,then I use napkin to smudged it. This time I didn't use eraser, I left black space for highlight when I was drawing.

I used charcoal pencil block it first, then I used charcoal to drew the dark and light. Next step was used napkin to smudged it top to bottom, it made it looks like an inverted image of the tube. The last step was used water to thawing it. Made it more soft.

I cut off some powder from charcoal,add some water and painted it all. I control the light and dark by using water. More water more light.

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